Door Panel and Window Removal

This tutorial shows you how to remove the door panel and windows in order to install the following items:

Soft Closing Doors (MARK 3)Auto Present Door Handles (Variant A v1)Auto Present Door Handles (RGB Edition)

Front Doors

Step 1 - Remove the Door Panel

Remove the red reflective plate. Then remove the 3 T-30 screws at the trim panel.

Use a pray tool to lift the trim panel from the lower end.

Unplug all the connectors on the panel and then put it aside.

Step 2 - Remove the Window Glass (Do this only if you installing handles)

Roll up the windows. Remove the waterproof covers and remove the 13mm bolts underneath.

Now you can remove the window glass.

All good! You have removed the front door panel and window. You can continue installing the soft closing doors, auto present door handles, or both.

Step 3 - Remove the Plastic Cover Plate

Remove all the 8mm bolts on the cover plate.

Also disconnect the blue, magenta and cream-colored connectors near the side mirror. Now you can take out the black cover plate.

Rear Doors

Step 1 - Remove the Door Panel

Remove the 2 T-30 screws at the trim panel.

Use a pray tool to lift the trim panel from the lower end.

Unplug all the connectors on the panel and then put it aside.

Step 2 - Remove the Window Glass

Take off the rubber plug here.

Drop the glass by 30cm until you can access to the bolts on the hole. Remove the 2 13mm bolts holding the glass.

Now you can remove the window glass.

Step 3 - Remove the Plastic Cover Plate

Remove all the 8mm bolts on the cover plate.

CAUTION: DO NOT remove the four 10mm bolts on the closeout panel

Now you can detach the windows regulator and emergency pull wire and take out the closeout panel

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